Silvia Natoli

Confirmed Associate Professor of Anaesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy (SSD MED/41) University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via O. Raimondo, 18 – 00173 Roma In agreement with the Universitỳ degli Studi di Pavia to the extent of 70%, he carries


Filippo Drago

I am a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry and neurology, and I have dedicated my professional life to scientific research in the field of pharmacology, becoming a full professor at theUniversity of Catania. I have trained in Academies and


Felice Occhigrossi

After working in a number of Roman Hospitals, in 1999 I started working at the San Giacomo Hospital in Rome, which was closed by the Marrazzo junta on October 30, 2008, after hard struggles and protests by various citizen