Ezio Amorizzo

Specialist in anesthesia resuscitation and pain therapy. Dedicated full time to the care and management of patients with painful conditions, including frail patients for whom it is extremely important to define a personalized, tolerable treatment pathway aimed at improving


Angelo Toscano

Graduation B professional appointment: “Surgery of spinal deformities in young-adult patients,” three-year award period: 07/25/2017 to 07/24/2017 (Resolution No. 21, Jan. 31, 2018; renewed by Resolution No. 335, Dec. 7, 2020) Since 2012, in the performance of his professional


Luigi Manfrè

Specialist in diagnostic and interventional radiology. “European Course in Neuroradiology” European Diploma. His clinical and scientific activity has been directed to the exclusive in-depth study of Interventional Neuroradiology of diseases of the Vertebral Column, with application of all techniques