Marco Cascella

Marco Cascella, MD, works in the Department of Supportive Care at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Fondazione ‘G. Pascale” – IRCCS, Naples, Italy, where he has responsibility for research in anesthesia and pain medicine. He was granted the National Scientific


Arun Bhaskar

Dr Arun Bhaskar is a leading consultant in pain medicine in London, who holds a special interest in complex pain, including neuropathic pain, cancer pain, visceral and pelvic pain, pain interventions and neuromodulation. He also holds a particular interest in opioid management in complicated cancer pain and opioid


Cesare Gregoretti

Gregoretti (class of ’56) is a professor at the University Hospital of Palermo. He is an expert in invasive and noninvasive mechanical artificial ventilation with interest also in the field of analgosedation in the ICU patient and palliative care.