Designation: Clinical Lead Of Anesthesiology And Intensive Care Caserta, Italy

Dr. De Negri Pasquale is an anesthesiologist and practices in Rionero in vulture.
Performed services:
Examination for Diagnosis and Therapy of Chronic and Cancer Pain, Analgesic Pharmacological Therapy, Diagnostic/Therapeutic Targeted Nerve Blocks, Spinal Cord Neurostimulation, Intrathecal Neuromodulation, Radiofrequency of Facet Joint/Nerve Roots/Bone Metastases, Neurolithic Plexus Coeliac/Trigeminal/Glossopharyngeal/Intercostal Blocks, Vertebroplasty/Cyphoplasty, Treatment of Cancer-Related Symptoms, Evaluation for Venous Implants.

All Sessions By Pasquale De Negri

"Understanding the Mechanisms of Action and Indications for Spinal Cord Stimulation"

4 May 2024 (10:35 - 10:55)

SESSION VIII: "Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive Approaches"

4 May 2024 (12:25 - 13:25)