Designation: Director Of The Functional Unit Of Minimally Invasive Spinal Intervention, Mediterranean Oncological Catania, Italy

Specialist in diagnostic and interventional radiology. “European Course in Neuroradiology” European Diploma. His clinical and scientific activity has been directed to the exclusive in-depth study of Interventional Neuroradiology of diseases of the Vertebral Column, with application of all techniques – under mainly local anesthesia – of the minimally invasive type, under CT or fluoroscopic guidance, for the treatment of diseases of the spine (degenerative, oncological or traumatic). He is Director of the Functional Unit of Mini Invasive Spinal Interventional Surgery at the Mediterranean Oncology Institute and is Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Radiology, University of Palermo. He has won 16 international and national awards for scientific merit. He is Chairperson for Spine of the European Society of Neuroradiology ESNR (2017 to present), serves on the European Board of Neuroradiology EBNR of the European School of Neuroradiology ESONR (2017 to present), is a Member of the Interventional Spine Committee of the American Society of Neuroradiology ASNR (2019 to present) and is a Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of European Radiology (2021). He has participated as Invited Speaker in 254 international congresses and authored 234 publications, 57 of which are cited on Medline. He performs professional activities in UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital in the field of modern Interventional Spinal Neuroradiology, with reference to spine pathologies of degenerative type (hernia, spinal canal stenosis, bone and joint spine pain, sports pathology), traumatic type (vertebral fracture), oncological (benign and malignant vertebral fractures and neoplasms, CT-guided biopsies, secondary collapse) and dysmetabolic (osteoporotic or spontaneous vertebral fractures).