Designation: Clinical Lead Of Pain Therapy, Ospedale Bellaria, Bologna, Italy


  • Medical and surgical degree obtained Oct. 31, 2003, from the University of Bologna (grade 110/110)
  • Specialization in Anesthesia and Resuscitation obtained on November 5, 2007, from the University of Bologna (grade 70/70 cum laude)
  • Cerfied Interventional Pain Sonologist, diploma obtained in June 2017 from the World Institute of Pain

Main professional experiences in Italy

  • Sant’Orsola Malpighi Hospital (freelance anesthesiologist) – November 2007 – January 2008
  • Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital in Forli (Anesthesiologist, Resuscitation, Pain Therapy) January 2008 – January 2020, from 2013 to 2020 head of Pain Therapy
  • Bellaria Hospital in Bologna (Pain Therapy, Network Referral) January 2020 – Today

Main professional experiences abroad

  • In November 2011, he participated in a mission for humanitarian purposes in Bol-la (Saharawi- Algeria) with the Rio de Oro Association during which he worked on orthopedic surgeries mainly on pediatric malformations.
  • In October 2009 and July 2010 he participated, together with the NGO association ‘The Bridge’, in humanitarian missions in Ibaguè (Colombia). During the mission, he served as anesthesiologist to perform numerous maxillofacial, ENT, and dermatologic surgeries aimed at eliminating congenital malformations in pediatric and adult patients.
  • In 2007 he was licensed to practice medicine in Great Britain (General Medical Council Reference Number 6159654).
  • From November 2005 to May 2006, he attended the Department of Anesthesiology of Jackson Memorial Hospital – University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA under the guidance of Dr. E.A.Pretto and D. Lubarsky, to investigate aspects of anesthesia in major surgery and adult and pediatric organ transplantation obtaining an excellent evaluation.

Scientific Disclosure

  • In order to promote the culture of pain relief, he has participated in several television programs on local networks with national broadcasting, for the same reason, and to highlight the activities of the Forlí Hospital Pain Center, he has given several interviews and press releases.
  • He manages the Facebook pages ‘Friends of Pain Therapy’ and ‘Dr. Emanuele Piraccini’ updated with scientific news concerning pain relief.
  • Collaborates in the management of the ‘Pain Therapy’ section of the Azienda USL di Bologna website.
  • He has organized, also together with the ‘Palliative Care and Pain Therapy’ commission of the Forlí-Cesena Medical Association, of which he was a member from 2013 to 2019, meetings open to the public on the fight against pain.

Scientific activity

As of 04/21/2020, data related to the listed research areas and pain therapy in particular have been the subject of more than190 publications , including 93 in international journals indexed in pubmed and with impact factor. He has participated in the writing of 5 chapters of textbooks or monographs with a scientific medical character.

Since 2016, he has been a lecturer in ISAL’s Master of Advanced Studies in Algological Sciences.

He has to his credit numerous congressional appearances at national and international events as a speaker

All Sessions By Emanuele Piraccini

SESSION VII: "NEUROMODULATION – Spinal Cord Stimulation"

4 May 2024 (10:30 - 12:00)