Designation: Orthopedic, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute - Rizzoli Department Sicily, Bagheria, Italy

Graduation B professional appointment: “Surgery of spinal deformities in young-adult patients,” three-year award period: 07/25/2017 to 07/24/2017 (Resolution No. 21, Jan. 31, 2018; renewed by Resolution No. 335, Dec. 7, 2020)

  • Since 2012, in the performance of his professional assignment “Treatment and care of spinal pathology” (Resolution No. 6 dated 08/01/2014), he has been mainly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of spinal pathology. Since 2015, he has also gained experience, gained during the specialty under the direction of the late Prof. Mario Mercuri, in the treatment of musculoskeletal oncological pathology.
  • Since April 2011, he has been performing nursing and research activities c/o SSD Spinal Deformity Surgery as part of the project “In-depth study of current techniques for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic scoliosis, evaluating the possibility of improving results through further innovations, dissemination of data, drafting of protocols regarding the specific experience c/o SSD Spinal Deformity Surgery.”
  • Internship at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, Sarcoma Unit, Stanmore, London, UK (October 2007).
  • Attendance for training and further education at U.O. of Neurosurgery – Bellaria Hospital, Bologna under the direction of Prof. Fabio Calbucci (February 2005 – December 2005).